
Super Bowl Party

You guys, the big game is tomorrow! Who is going to be watching?  I know we are. But for girls like me that like football but like to talk a whole lot more, the Super Bowl is just a fun time to get together, enjoy girl talk and yummy food. So I have been thinking of some recipes to share and where I found those recipes.

First I have to start with something that my Momma would make, that is currently making me salivate, stuffed mushrooms. I know everyone has their own take on these but my mom just made them so perfectly. And the best thing about them, they are simple!

You will need:
1-2 cartons of button mushrooms
1/2 lbs of breakfast sausage
8oz. of cream cheese
1/2 onion- finely chopped
3/4 c. grated cheddar cheese
Garlic powder and paprika to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste

Core your mushrooms, wash and set aside to dry. Cook down the breakfast sausage. Once the sausage is cooked add your cream cheese to the pan and melt it into the cooked sausage. Once combined, season with garlic powder, paprika salt and pepper. It shouldn't take too much salt so go easy on it. Allow that mixture to cool before adding your grated cheese. After adding your cheese spoon the mixture into your now dry mushrooms. Place on baking sheet (make sure you put aluminum foil down first or you will have a huge mess) and cook at 350 for 20-25 minutes. Let these cool for just a minute before biting into them or you will feel like you just ate lava. Set on a cute plate and serve!

Ok now I wanted to share a recipe that I love! I have been following Oh, Sweet Basil 's food blog for some time and she never disappoints. I found this recipe and have tried it and LOVE it!  I really love recipes that are super simple but amazingly delicious! Be sure to check this girl out! She has a million great recipes.

Another food blog that I love to follow is Oh So Delicioso . They are  so talented and again, I love the simplicity of their recipes. One recipe that I have not tried but want to try for Sunday is the Cheesy Waffle Turkey BLT. YUM! Doesn't that sound like you will need a nap afterwords? They have a great selection of yummy recipes so make sure you check them out as well.

The last recipe that I wanted to share is one that my Mother in Law makes. It's a simple dip recipe but again, so good.

1 can black beans
1 can sweet corn
1/2 red onion
Red and Orange bell pepper
1/2 c. Oil
1/2 c red wine vinegar 
1/4 c. Sugar 

Mix together oil, vinegar and sugar in a bowl and set aside. Drain and rinse black beans place in a separate good size mixing bowl. Drain corn and add that to your black beans. Dice onion and bell peppers and add to the black bean mixture. Miss ingredients and the add the oil mixture. The liquid should cover the bean mixture. Let it set for at least an hour so all the flavors can merry together. Serve with tortilla chips.


The Liebster Award

I have been nominated by the amazing and oh, so talented Kayla Harrah for the Liebster award. I can not tell you how appreciative I am and thankful that you thought of me. Thank you sweet girl!

The Liebster Award is given to up-and-coming bloggers (usually with less than 1,000 followers) from other bloggers. I am excited to get to know Kayla further, even if it's just through the blogging world! (Make sure you check her Blog and Instagram out. She is a super cutie with amazing talent and style!) Blogging is about building a community, and this award is a great way to spread the word about other great bloggers.
{Upon being nominated by a fellow blogger, you must}:
1) Link to the person or persons who tagged you
2) Answer the 11 questions in the blog post
3) Nominate 11 other bloggers
4) Notify all other nominees via social media
1)How did you come up with your blog name?
Well I started my blog with the name "Price4love" but I kinda hated it. (My last name is Price and I liked that part) It was such a quick choice and it seemed tacky and didn't speak to my personality at all. So, my husband and I spent MONTHS thinking of a new one. We came up with "Sweet Sunlight Style" because it hit on every level for me. I love sweets, and often put fun sweet recipes on the blog, but I just think the word "sweet" goes deeper than that. I try to be a sweet person and be kind to everyone. I think that being "sweet" or kind can really go a long way. The word "Sunlight" came from buying our first home. I am a nostalgic person and thought that no matter where we go in life Sunlight Hill will always be our first home. And Style is pretty explanatory. I love style and fashion and I want to express my style through my blog.  
2) Why did you start your blog?
Mainly because I love, more than I can express, I love fashion. I deeply desire to put outfits together and create, if you will, in that way. It has always been a joy of mine. I started my blog for three reasons; I wanted to share that joy I got from styling outfits with others. I also love getting a great deal (I attribute that to my mother, she taught me everything I know.) I wanted to share the fact that you can dress stylish and be on trend without breaking the bank.  And lastly, I wanted to help others dress confidently and just enjoy fashion as much as I do. 
3) What do you love most about blogging? 
Putting outfits together. I like playing around and finding new ways to wear a certain article of clothing. It's fun to see things in a new way and get creative with it. Also, recently I have really enjoyed getting to know other bloggers. I just think that people are so interesting, and life is so beautiful and I like seeing that in other people. Blogging really makes the world just a bit smaller and creates a kinship between one another, I like that.
4) How would you describe your personal style?
I think, a little touch of everything. I like dressing for how I feel. With that being said, I am definitely more girly and feminine than anything else. But I do like to add in rough touches to feminine outfits. I think the best way to describe how I dress is; classic everyday wear. 
5) Spring or Fall fashion?
Although I do love Fall fashion, I think I will have to go with Spring. It's just a time to be super girly, shed your winter layers and play with colors.
6) What one goal do you wish to accomplish this year?
Get pregnant. Ha Ha I know how that sounds but it is  true. Ok, but business related, just keep building my blog and creating good relationships with stores and other bloggers.
7) What is your favorite movie?
Of all time, North and South or Dirty Dancing. From childhood,  Harry Potter and The Grinch. Recently,  Pitch Perfect. I still can't stop laughing at that movie.
8)What is the most delicious food you have ever eaten?
You mean after my momma's cooking? Seriously my mom is a mean cook. One thing momma can't cook though is sushi. East by SouthWest in Durango, Co. has the BEST sushi. My mouth is salivating just thinking about it.
9) What are your 5 favorite stores?
Loft/Ann Taylor, Nordstrom, Marshalls, H&M, Old Navy/Gap,
10) Cat or Dog?
Dog for sure. Cats are too temperamental (not all of them but most). I love how dogs are loyal and sweet and cuddly.
11) What was the most ridiculous (but cool) fashion trend you followed?

Probably faux leather pants. I mean, it's such a cool look, but your first time wearing them you just feel like a fool.
Thank you again Kayla! I appreciate this opportunity. And now I want to share this fun award by nominating 11 other cute bloggers that I follow. Make sure to check these girls out!

Christie from KikiMac
Holly Ross from Sixfiftywest
Jessica Gentry from Featherthread
Lindsey from Pearlsplease
Ashley Paprock from Dashesofash
Alayna Lauren from AlaynaLauren
Sara Covey from Simplyhued 
Kim Myers from Kimcasemyers
Gigi from Itsasparklylife 
Alice Kerley from Lonestarlookingglass
Melissa Allyson from Confettiandglimmer



Valentines Day Ideas

Skirt | Necklace | Marshals Sweater (simular) | Marshals Heels (simular

Valentines Day is right around the corner! (This skirt will be making a reappearance.) Have you thought about what you will be wearing for "Love Day"? ( Just in case you missed it, I have teamed up with some amazing bloggers to do a Valentines giveaway. Check out my IG page @mrs_chelprice for details.) 
I really enjoy feminine pieces in general, but for Valentines Day, I am going to go all out! I have recently found this SUPER cute online shop that I love. I seriously want everything they have. Mindy Mae's Market is the place to look if you are wanting a great Valentines look (or just for every day, it's that cute!) 

Be on the look out for my Valentines week looks. Coming to the blog soon!



Valentines Day Giveaway

I have teamed up with some awesome bloggers to put on a Valentines Day giveaway! Go to my Instagram page (@mrs_chelprice) to see how to enter. Good luck cuties!!


The Winner

Old Navy Skirt | Kohl's Blazer (simular) | Tights (simular) | Booties (simular) | Down East Necklace
Top was gifted 

Ok, first order of business: WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER! I know you guys have been waiting for this, welp here it is the winner of the $25 gift card to The Mint Julep Boutique is Erin Herd! Congratulation Erin! I will be in contact with you today.

Ok, I know that I have blogged this skirt before, but I am all about creating cute outfits with what you already have in your closet. And this skirt is just so cute, I couldn't resist. I often shop at Old Navy because it's such a great place to find on trend items for a great price. When I shop dresses and skirts I tend to shop the "Tall" section, just so I can get the length that I like. When you find "classic" clothing items (like blazers, trench coats, pleated skirts or pencil skirts) at stores I say jump all over them. They are great transitional items that are highly unlikely to go out of style. These are pieces you can recycle and style differently as each new trend comes and goes. 

So, I want to know, what are some of your favorite "classic" clothing items? Leave a comment below. I can't wait to hear what you have to say!

Again Congratulations Erin for winning the giveaway!

XO, Chelsea


Blueberry Muffins

Is there anything better than muffins? My favorite are berry, particularly blueberry muffins.

If you follow me in Instagram, you saw that my Sunday morning consisted of a quick breakfast on the go. I made these amazing blueberry muffins and they really made my day! 

So here is the recipe. It is seriously easier than the the box brand, and a ton more delicious.

The Ingredients:

1. Cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1/2 c milk
3 TBSP butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla 
3/4 c blueberries 

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all dry ingredients. Melt butter in a separate bowl and let cool just a bit. Add milk egg and butter to dry ingredients. Mix well and then add blueberries. I used fresh, but frozen would work well too. Fill cupcake tins about 3/4 the way full, sprinkle course sugar on top and bake for 15 minutes. 

original recipe found here


Buffalo Plaid Shirt + A Giveaway

The Mint Julep Boutique Cardigan | BR Jeans | Blouse | Old Navy Booties (similar here)

Let me just start off by talking about this buffalo plaid top. Super soft, super comfy and super stylish. What more can you ask for? This piece, from The Mint Julep Boutique, was a definite win! I love that this is a piece that I can wear and be comfortable in and still be on trend. Can't get enough of it. 

Ok giveaway time! The Mint Julep and I have teamed up to bring you a $25 gift card to their shop. They have the cutest stuff and I love that the overall feel of their shop is to be comfortable while still looking very stylish. It's definitely stylish everyday wear, which is what I am all about. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this giveaway!

To enter follow me on Instagram (mandatory) and The Mint Julep on Instagram @shopthemint (also mandatory). Then earn more entries by doing any of the following on the Rafflecopter below. If you are already following me on IG leave me a comment on this blog post.

Good Luck and have a great Tuesday


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Pom-Pom Beanie Tutorial

I am sure you have seen these super cute pom-pom beanies everywhere. I actually fell in love with them when I saw it on Mindy Mae's Market  Instagram page (and if you haven't checked this store out, you are seriously missing out my friends!) and since then I have been looking for one. When I was on my search, I had this sweet thought to just make one. Ok, not make the beanie, because I am not that cool, but just to make the pom-pom to go on top of the beanie. All it takes is beanie that you want to update, or if you are like me you can go to Target and get a couple new ones. Seriously the easiest thing you will ever do! Scroll through the picture for the tutorial.

The hats were on sale at Target (because apparently the day after New Year in Houston all winter wear is no longer needed.) So, great find at Target, and the stiff yarn is from JoAnn's.

I Just wrapped the yarn around three fingers and.....
BOOM a pom-pom was made. Ha just kidding.

So, like I was saying wrap the yarn around 2-4 fingers (depending on how fluffy you want it)

The more you wrap it around the bigger the pom-pom will be. I ended up using the whole package of yarn with the exception of about 10 inches of yarn.

Cut off about a 10 inch string of yarn and thread it through the wrapped yarn. (the two pieces of yarn is my 10 inch piece) tie and double knot. Then tie the other side using the same string and then tie it all together so nothing comes loose when you start cutting.

Should look something like this once all your ties are made.

Start cutting each loop. Once it is cut fluff your pom-pom to make it more round and to hide the ties. You will then trim the strings to make them all the same length.

Once you have your pom-pom to the desired size, knot a piece of yarn to the center tie and thread onto a needle.

Pull through the top of the beanie and sew to secure it.

After you have tied it off then BOOM you have a pom-pom beanie. Seriously so easy. The hardest part of this project was threading yarn on to my needle. And in retrospect I probably could have just used thread, but live and learn.

Now I have a super cute pom-pom beanie and I love it!
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and that is wasn't too confusing. Now go make a pom-pom beanie!


Trying New Things

While we were up in Idaho we decided to take a snowboarding trip up to Targee. For me this would be the very first time to snowboard. I was nervous but really excited. I have always wanted to try. After one run on the bunny hill, mostly going down on my butt and really struggling to get back up to standing position, my sweet husband said I was ready to go down the lift. I'm glad he believes in me so much but I was pretty upset. I went down the bunny hill once. And that was the first time I have ever even been strapped to a board. It was frightening. I just remember thinking the whole way up the lift, " Just down fly off the mountain." Well I didn't fly off the mountain but I did biff it EVERY time off the chair lift. Talk about embarrassing. The guy running the lift was so nice though. He kept telling me to "put all your weight on the leg that's strapped in, and just go!" Ha, easy for you to say. Actually the saying, "JUST GO!" was the theme for the day, which left me thinking that I must be making this much harder than it is. My husband and brother in law helped by explaining the boards edges and after holding their hand down the mountain (either heel side or toe side.) I felt comfortable enough to do it by myself a few times. ( but not for very long) I scorpioned once down the hill, cried once out of frustration, fell about half a million times, came away with one pretty awesome bruise and was more sore than I think I have ever been in my life, but I had a ton of fun.  And I am actually really looking forward to doing it again (hopefully next year)
And although I got hurt and cried, I learned that I love trying new things, and that when you fall and fail you can get back up and try again. Maybe you won't be perfect right away, but you can do it. This is my motto for the year. I won't be afraid of the bumps and bruises, I'll try new things, get pushed down but I will ALWAYS get back up. Happy New Year! Hope it's a great on so far!

My mother in law was really cute about taking pictures of my first time. I look more goofy than anything, but I'm glad it's documented.



Winter Wonderland

We wished for snow, and snow we received! It snowed 12" on Christmas Eve and another 12 over the weekend. We decided to take full advantage of it and go sledding up at the Sand Dunes on Saturday.

I love how my husband turned into a mountain man when we got to Idaho. I don't think he has ever gone this long without shaving. But to tell you the truth I really like it. I think it brings out his eyes even more. ( He will kill me for giving him this much attention on my blog but I just cant help it, he's just so dang CUTE!)
It continued to snow while we were sledding and his eye lashed kept catching snowflakes. I love this man!

We all had a lot of fun sledding but the best was watching the kiddos enjoy it. E loved it until the very end when he decided he had enough. He kept saying, "Lets go! I'm freez'n! " Aren't these kids gorgeous?!

Snow fight. Braden got attacked and he pretty much hated it. I think I would too, but it was funny to watch. Sorry B

I love watching my husband play with our niece and nephew. he really is amazing and they love him to pieces.

Picture from Levi Price. The whole crew.

After sledding we worked up a pretty big appetite. We found this place in Ririe, ID that serves 32" pizzas. So naturally we ordered 2. And between the 12 of us we at all of it. They were super good pizzas, all hand tossed and brick oven cooked.

Hungry crew!
Caught the waiter bringing out our second pizza. I kid you not these things were massive. If you are ever in Rexburg or anywhere close to Ririe, ID make the trip to Stop Light Pizza. I promise you won't be disappointed.

We have loved spending this much time with family. It's really sad to see it coming to a close.