Our Trip to Cali was phenomenal! We loved every last moment of it. It was so great to see family and to enjoy the magic of Disney together! I loved seeing it through my niece and nephew's eyes!
Here are just a few pictures of our trip!
Welcome to L.A.
By far the worst ride at Disney has to be the ferris wheel! It swings, Oh my word I was having a heart attack. I literally was sweating so bad and on the verge of a panic attack ha, Im a super wimp when it comes to heights
If You get the chance to go to Disney, Cars Land is a MUST! This tire bumper ride was so fun!
Thanks for these pictures Jos!
Parade at California Adventure
Is there a way to make "pretty" faces on roller coasters? If so let me know, I have yet to master that talent!
The Hubs and my father in law were Obsessed with the architecture of cars land (I think they were obsessed with the whole thing, It was amazing)
Brother in law and his mini me!
E was pretty upset that he couldn't pick these bum bells up.
Love that SMILE!
He's a hunk! And no, I'm not talking about the green one
I felt like I was a 6 year old girl again! Love the Castle!
Love these two, she loved spending time with her uncle!
See what I mean, the Magic of Disney!
The world of color was my FAVORITE show!
These three are so funny! They have a picture like this when they were little
The two best faces ever: The Hubs face of excitement and H's face of Terror. She was not happy about riding Splash Mountain a second time.
I was more than apprehensive to ride Tower of Terror. But we rode it twice and I ended up loving it.
My sister in law is the cutest!
The things the make out of Legos, I mean, come on!
This cute little face!
Cars World- Seriously amazing!
Enjoying some yummy milk shakes
I loved hanging out with this little girl! She would tell me all about the rides as we were in line and then say "It's not scary, it's fun!"
This pretty much sums up how we all felt after a long week! But it was amazing and we had so much fun! We miss our family so much already. Can't wait to see them again!