So I figured out my problem (well one of many at least) and it is
this: I flat out LOVE fashion. I love it. I don't know how else to explain it
other than the giddy feeling you would get when you were a child on Christmas
morning. You know, the excitement, the joy and the rush of all
the possibilities. That’s exactly how I feel towards fashion. I love
seeing all these fashion blogs with new outfit ideas. I love opening my e-mail
to see that Madewell, Anthropologie or TJ Maxx etc. has e-mailed me some of their
latest and greatest. (Which is a great way to stay in touch with your favorite
stores, so you know exactly what they have and when they have it. Also great
for when things go on sale!) I love the potential of putting great clothing
pieces together and making an AMAZING outfit. That to me is just plane
enjoyment! And come on, after seeing the photos above aren't you a little more
inspired, and doesn't that make you excited!? Some may say I'm obsessed but
that’s ok with me I'll take that.
Ok let me just talk a little about a few
of these items. The knit cover-up pants are super hot (as in amazing) for
pool/beach days. It is a sophisticated way to stay cool and still look chic
while in your bathing suit. It's also very European, which they have had this poolside
attire figured out for a while now-jewelry, high heel wedge, sassy cover-ups
and hats to match.
Print shorts/pants are still a big hit.
They bring so much spunk to an outfit. You can do a mix and match print by
adding a print top or keep your top neutral. Although I love these vertical
stripe pants I personally could not pull them off. Some print pants where not
made for the masses, but that’s ok, while one print may not work for you
another will look perfect! One huge thing to keep in mind while shopping for
print pants is the fit or cut. It makes a huge difference if they are tailored
or loose fitting etc.
Color full accessories make an outfit
really shine. I have talked about accessories before but seriously they finish
off the good outfit and make it great!